Mission Statement:
K A B V I was founded in 1920 and is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Comprised totally of volunteers, all activities are conducted by individuals contributing their own time and resources. Programs are made possible by much appreciated contributions.
K A B V I strives to increase the independence, opportunity and quality of life for blind and visually impaired Kansans, and to assist us in taking our rightful place as equals among our sighted peers.
KABVI Officers
KABVI Board Members
KABVI Committees
KABVI Appointments
KABVI Advocacy
KABVI Affiliations
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KABVI Officers
Chairman of the Board & President: Michael Byington
Vice-President: Paul Berscheidt Recording Secretary:
Nancy Johnson Treasurer:
Membership Secretary: Julie McCullough Corresponding
Secretary: Ann Byington
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KABVI Board Members
Kurt Bailey |
Tamara Kearney
Ann Byington
909 SW College Ave
Topeka KS 66606
Phone: H 785-233-3839
Cell: 785-224-9769
Email: abyington@cox.net
Julie McCullough Phone:
juliemccullough319@gmaill.com |
Bill Moore
5141 NW Rochester Rd
Topeka Ks 66617 Phone: 785-286-3467
E-mail: billy.moore@ks.gov
Paul Berscheidt
Email: webmaster@kabvi.com |
Robert Chaffin
1105 Centennial Boulevard
Hays KS 67601
Phone: 785-628-2873
E-mail: chaffin@ruraltel.net
Velma Johnson
Phone: 620 792 7833 E-mail:
Michael Byington
909 SW College Ave
Topeka KS 66606
Phone: H 785-233-3839
Cell: 785-221-7111
E-mail: byington@cox.net
Carolyn Thomasen Cell Phone:
Henry Staub
785-256-0130 E-mail: hstaub@cox.net
Paul Knapp
Ph:719 342 5441
Goodland Ks.
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KABVI Committees
Purpose: Review letters of
nomination for the Eleanor A. Wilson and Extra Step awards, obtain and
present the awards at the annualmeeting/convention
Members: Ruby Simmonds
2020 Convention Planning:
Plans and coordinates KABVI’s annual convention – locating facilities,
presenters, exhibiters, caterers, etc., as needed.
Chair: Ann
Michael Byington
Tamara Kearney
Julie McCullough
Youth Activities Purpose:
Increase KABVI’s contacts with children, youth, and parents across the
state. Develop activities for families with blind children or blind parents
with sighted children. Work with the Multigenerational Workgroup in
conjunction with the Kansas School for the Blind.
Nancy Johnson
Members: Ann Bjyington
Scharna Doll
Nominating Committee:
Purpose: Contacts members to locate individuals interested and willing
to serve on the Board of Directors and officers and preside over elections
at the annual meeting/convention.
Bill Moore
Julie McCullough
Scharna Doll,
Bob Chaffin |
Purpose: Monitors activities of the Kansas legislature for activity that
affects blind and visually impaired persons, and organizes members to
respond through phone calls, letters, or testimony as appropriate.
Michael Byington
Keep database up-to-date, work to increase
membership in KABVI across the state.
Chair: Carolyn Thomason
Members: Nancy Johnson
Public Relations:
Purpose: Improve KABVI’s
visibility in communities across Kansas by participation in resource fairs,
health fairs, or other community education activities. Develop and present
programs such as fall prevention, prevention of vision loss, etc. Develop
“how to” videos for YouTube or other presentations.
Chair: TBA
Purpose: Submit
items regarding blindness/vision impairment and other items of special
interest. (Pets, food, travel, as examples.)
Chair: Nancy Johnson
Members: |
Purpose: Send annual notice
of scholarship, review applications, and determine scholarship awards.
Chair: Ann Byington
Julie McCullough,
Kathy Dawson
2020 Fund
Purpose: Develops and coordinates
activities to raise money to meet KABVI’s expenses and support its projects.
Bob Chaffin
Members: Paul Berscheidt, Ann Byington |
2020 Technology
Guide the organization regarding all things
technological – phones, computers, etc.
Chair: Paul Berscheidt
Members: Bob Chaffin, Henry Staub, Carolyn Thomason
Constitution Committee:
Purpose: Guides KABVI’s
activities so they conform to its constitution and directives of the
Internal Revenue Service. Guides the membership through making changes in
the constitution when necessary.
Chair: Michael Byington
Committee: Chair: Ann
Nancy?, Kathy, Bill, Henry,
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DSB Advisory Committee:
TO BE ANNOUNCED alternates:
KSSB Advisory Board:
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K A B V I members serve on advisory councils and committees, including those addressing issues such as:
Rehabilitation training in the skills and techniques of blindness and low
vision for people who are blind and visually impaired
Library services (out-reach availability of materials in Braille, large print,
recorded and downloadable digital formats)
Assistive Technology for Kansans Project (identifies and provides information regarding assistive technology and ways to obtain it for disabled Kansans)
Special education (relevant to the Ks. State school for the blind and
special education issues and policies for other educational programs in Kansas
public schools)
Members also offer consultation to private agencies that provide services to people who are blind or visually impaired.
In order to ensure that blind and visually impaired persons throughout the state are aware of important events and happenings that may have direct impact upon them, K A B V I provides information about statewide events to local affiliates.
The organization advocates for guide dog users and their right to public
access. It also provides support and technical consultation to Kansas Specialty
Dog Service.
K A B V I' s annual convention each fall brings together consumers, professionals, and interested parties to discuss issues of importance which impact Kansans who are blind
or visually impaired.
The K A B V I legislative committee informs public officials regarding how
proposed legislation would affect blind Kansans, and has introduced legislation
such as clarification for non-drivers license as a legal form of identification.
In 1999 and more recently in 2004, KABVI successfully lobbied to save
funding for KS Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired. KABVI, in
conjunction with other service animal training programs and advocates, helped to
do a major re-write of the Kansas White Cane Law to clarify guide and service
dog access rights.
In 2006, KABVI worked with the State Library to garner funds from the
legislature to raise salaries at sub regional Libraries which provide Talking
Books throughout the state. These workers had not had a raise since 1998 and
their programs were threatened with closure due to lack of funds.
In 2007, KABVI assisted the State Library to acquire a $76,500 allocation to
do an extensive out-reach program for Talking Books.
We will go to the legislature this year to make this an ongoing budget item.
During the 1930s, K A B V I introduced and fostered passage of the first legislation ever to result in blind adult Kansas residents receiving rehabilitation services from the State. K A B V I continues to work with government officials for more efficient and effective services for blind citizens
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K A B V I is an affiliated organization of the American Council of the Blind, an advocacy organization that provides access to a nation-wide network of people who are blind or visually impaired. We are also affiliated with the following
Northwest Kansas Association for the Visually Impaired, Inc.
Pat Hall, President
2602 Sherman Ave. #110 Hays, KS 67601
Phone: 785-628-6055
meeting: second Saturday of the month
Topeka Association for the Visually Impaired Service
Michael Byington, President
909 SW College
Topeka Kansas 66606
meeting: second Saturday of the month
Southwest Kansas Association for the Visually Impaired
Daisy Wasson, President
11026 Garnett Rd. Dodge City KS 67801 Phone: 620-227-2694
meeting: second Saturday of the month except June, July, and August
Manhattan VIP Support Group Kathy
Smith, contact person 785 531 973
Meetings third Tuesday of each month, 2:00, Riley County Senior Center.
Central Kansas Association for the Visually Impaired
Paul Berscheidt, President
2536 McBride Pkwy.
Great Bend Ks 67530
Phone: 620-793-5645
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KABVI Membership Information:
KABVI Membership is open to anyone who
is interested. Membership is not required for receipt of KABVI NEWS. A
membership application form , on which you can indicate your newsletter
preferences, can be obtained by clicking on the link below.
You may complete the form on your computer, then print it, or you may print the
form and then fill it in manually. Please send your completed application and
your $10.00 annual dues to:
Make checks payable to: KABVI Be sure to specify whether you wish to receive materials in large print, tape-recorded format, Braille, or in text-file format on computer disk.
Click here to go to Application Form
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