Published Quarterly

An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind


KABVI strives to increase the independence, opportunity, and quality of life for all blind and visually impaired Kansans, and to assist us in taking our rightful place as equals among our sighted peers.


Volume 56 Summer, 2013 No. 2







603 SW Topeka Blvd. AND DISABLED

Suite 304

Topeka, KS 66603


Corporate Office: 603 SW Topeka Blvd., Suite 304, Topeka, Kansas 66603

Phone: 785-235-8990Toll Free: 1-800-799-1499 (in Kansas only)

E-mail: kabvi@att.net  Web site: www.kabvi.com

Youth Website: www.kabviyouthconnection.com

Editor & Braille Chairman of the Board,

Production Manager President & Associate Editor

Ann Byington Nancy Johnson

909 SW College 714 SW Wayne Ave.

Topeka, KS 66606 Topeka, KS 66606

(785) 233-3839 (785) 234-8449

abyington@cox.net  Supermom1941@sbcglobal.net 

Print Production Manager

Colleen Talley


Membership Secretary, c/o KABVI

        The purpose of KABVI NEWS, published by the Kansas Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Inc. (KABVI), is to promote the general welfare of the blind and visually impaired in Kansas.  KABVI NEWS shall reflect the philosophy and policies of the Association, report the activities of its members, and include pertinent articles pertaining to blindness and low vision. 
        Publication Policy:  Send us your news, views, articles, and features.  Materials in braille, on tape, on computer disk (Microsoft Word, plain text, or ASCII), or typewritten (double spaced) will be considered.   You may also email articles to: editor@kabvi.com. When quoting from other published materials, please include dates and sources. Unsigned material will not be considered for publication.  If you send a stamped, self-addressed envelope, original materials will be returned.  Articles for publication must reach the editor by January 22, April 22, July 22, and October 22 of each year.  Editorial staff reserves the right to edit submitted materials. 
        Membership renewal letters are sent annually to persons who have not paid dues.  If responses are not received within a reasonable time, names of those persons will be removed from KABVI’s mailing list and their subscription to KABVI NEWS discontinued. Membership is open to anyone who is interested, but is not required for receipt of KABVI NEWS.  A membership renewal form on which you can indicate your newsletter preferences can be found at the end of each issue.  Thank you for your cooperation.



NOTIONS …………………………………...……………………………………….…………… 3

By Nancy Johnson, President

Gleanings from the Editor ……………………………………………………….……………. 4

By Ann Byington


By Ann Byington, Recording Secretary

2013 CONVENTION PLANS UNDERWAY! …..……………………………………..…….. 8

By Ann Byington & Nancy Johnson

Tantalizing Tidbits ………………………………………………………….………………….. 9

Compiled by Ann Byington

Pet’s Corner: Summer Safety Tips for Your Pets …………………………………..….. 11

Compiled by Marilyn Lind

iOS Success: A Guide for Teachers and Parents ……………………………………… 12

By Larry Lewis, Jr.

In Memoriam ………………………………………………………………………..………….. 14

Compiled by Nancy Johnson

KABVI Membership Application …………..……………………………………………….. 16



By Nancy Johnson

Where to begin? We continue to organize the KABVI office. It’s a work in progress, and progress is happening slowly. My goal is a blind-friendly office with procedures that can be carried out by a blind person with minimal sighted assistance.

We have 29 CD recordings of the Close-up Talk Radio shows I did in January and February. These need to be distributed across the state to radio and TV stations and organizations that might be able to spread the word or are interested in KABVI’s work. Please contact the office at (785) 235-8990 to receive a copy of the shows. Four shows provide two hours of information about KABVI and its programs. If you’d like, you can use them as programs for your chapters/support groups. If we need more, we can copy more. We should soon receive copies of the newsletter of Close-up TV News, which has a feature article on KABVI with pictures from the youth web site.

Convention plans are well under way for the week end of November 8-10. The theme of the program is leisure. A craft fair to sell products made by our members is planned as a fund-raiser. Crafters will be available during exhibit hours for "show ‘n tell" demonstrating adaptations and/or techniques they use. See additional information elsewhere in this issue for more details about the convention and this activity. Start planning now! You have several months to ply your craft and to plan to attend. In addition to conducting KABVI’s business, this should be fun!

Members of the youth activities committee enjoyed three trips to the Kansas State School for the Blind to introduce students to KABVI. We had two cookie extravaganzas that provided cookies, icings, and toppings for the students to combine. They were encouraged to make "creative cookies," and some did that. The third occasion was a bingo party with snacks provided by KABVI. Prizes were donated by American Eagle Outfitters and included back packs, sunglasses, coin purses, and other small items.

I believe we need to be involved in community activities other than KABVI’s as a part of our being seen as contributing and productive citizens. With that in mind, I volunteer weekly at St. Francis Hospital, work through the Big Brothers/Big Sisters school reading program with a young child learning Braille, serve as chair of Topeka Metro’s Advisory Committee for Accessible Transportation Services (ACATS), and serve on the KanCare Special Issues advisory committee. I’m sure many readers are as involved in their communities as I am in mine. Tell us what you’re doing out there, serving as equals among your sighted peers.

What do you want KABVI to look like in five years? Progress doesn’t happen overnight. Planning helps make things happen, and ideas are where planning begins. I have ideas, and I’d like to hear yours. KABVI is your organization – not just mine. Let me hear from you by whatever means you prefer. Contact information is on the cover of this magazine.


Gleanings from the Editor

By Ann Byington

WANTED: Feedback! As you will see, Nancy Johnson and I have different editing styles and probably slightly different content approaches to the KABVI News. I’d like to hear from you about what you would like to see in these pages. I know that some of you find the technology information boring and useless. I will try to give you a "heads-up" if you want to skip all that. I will do my best to balance blindness and low vision needs/issues coverage. Marilyn Lind is offering a "Pet’s Corner" item each quarter. Anyone else want to volunteer on a specific topic? Let me know.

Updates: The KS Advisory Committee for the Blind and Visually Impaired (KACBVI) will hold its first meeting in 2013 on June 19th.

Nancy Johnson will be representing KABVI at the KSSB Advisory Committee meeting May 21st.

Look for an article about Envision’s new CEO.

Finally, Start saving your shekels for this year’s convention!


Report From the Board of Directors

By Ann Byington, Recording Secretary

The spring Board meeting of the KS Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, (KABVI), was called to order by Nancy Johnson, President at 10:30 AM, Saturday, April 20, 2013. Michael Byington and Paul Berscheidt attended via Skype; Jon Marcotte attended part of the meeting via speaker phone.

Officers and board members in attendance: Nancy Johnson, president; Bob Chaffin, Treasurer; Ann Byington, Recording Secretary; Michael Byington, Corresponding Secretary; Bill Morre, Kathy Dawson, Beulah Carrington, Henry Staub, Marilyn Lind and Jon Marcotte. Mikel McCary, membership Secretary/committee chair was unable to attend. Guests included Judy Davis, Legislative committee chair, and Colleen Talley, volunteer print production manager, KABVI News.

When approval of the minutes was discussed, Marilyn Lind indicated she did not receive them; Ann Byington will re-send them. Kathy Dawson moved that minutes be accepted as written with a second by Bill Moore; Michael Byington asked that minutes be corrected to note his corresponding secretary status. The motion passed.

The Treasurer’s report was approved after a motion by Marilyn Lind and a second by Kathy Dawson.

Nancy Johnson indicated that she had technical difficulties listening to the American Council of the Blind (ACB) president’s Meeting and the ACB Legislative Seminar so had no report on those activities to make.

Nancy praised the database provided by Julia Davis as discussed in the previous Board of Directors’ report; it made doing this year’s membership report for ACB much easier. She and ColleenTalley reported that producing mailing labels for the KABVI News was also easily managed. KABVI has 127 paid ACB members.

Consensus is that if someone pays dues at or after the annual Convention, they are paying for the next calendar year of membership. If dues are received after the ACB March 15th deadline, but before the Convention, they are credited to the current year of membership. After further discussion, Ann Byington and Colleen Talley agreed to change the membership application to reflect the date it was submitted, rather than specifying the year at the top of the application.

Making the office a more user-friendly place through re-organization was discussed. The goal is to have a system which will allow all office users a way to know where everything is. More work needs to be done to create an inventory of items in print, braille and/or electronically which can be provided to office workers. Judy Davis, Marilyn Lind, Nancy Johnson and Colleen Talley are the committee taking on this task. This committee will also develop policy on who will access said inventory.

Bob Chaffin suggested that all stored shirts be taken to the Convention and discounted so that they can be sold. The shirts provided as part of the Eyes Wide Open golf tournament might need to be handled differently; the committee is also tasked with these decisions.

Nancy Johnson has asked KABVI volunteers to share with her how much time they are spending on volunteer work so that such information can be provided to the grantors we apply to for funds. Nancy Johnson reminded officers and board members to unsubscribe to KABVI email to keep the inbox more manageable. Bob Chaffin reminded folks to forward invoice emails to him. We also need to clean up the "big share" folders as there is significant duplication of folders in that network area.

After prolonged discussion, Nancy Johnson opted to work with Brandon Bruton, KABVI volunteer, to teach him to do reception work more precisely using a job description of that activity.

Again this year, KABVI will hold its convention in conjunction with Kansas Association of Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind and Visually Impaired, (KAER), with a joint luncheon. Holding a craft fair as a fundraiser for KABVI members and the public along with craft demonstrations was noted with leisure and recreation as a theme. The emphasis could also be expanded to involve blind and visually impaired Kansans in local community activities, i.e., going to a described movie, local museum or restaurant. Members were reminded to include focus on activities for people adapting to low vision.

Ann Byington requested members contact her regarding business contacts in McPherson which could be asked to sponsor convention meals and/or other activities.

Jon Marcotte is donating $50 to KABVI for the refurbishment and sale of his laptop. He left the meeting to attend goalball practice.

Following a lunch break, Ann Byington reported that the Spring issue of the KABVI News was being printed and brailled. She reiterated the need for contributions from the membership with an offer to write articles with input from members.

Colleen Talley reported on the status of the golf tournament from the Topeka Lions’ Club. It appears that the task is too daunting for either KABVI or the Lions this year. Nancy Johnson agreed to contact Barbara Smith regarding the Lions’ involvement in this year’s tournament; Ann Byington agreed to provide Barbara’s number to Nancy. Colleen Talley suggested talking with Anna Bricker about how KABVI could help her with the tournament she does since contributions have come to KABVI from her in the past. Nancy Jonson agreed to follow up on that suggestion.

Michael Byington reported that because of changes in Envision personnel, KABVI may have a better chance of again receiving a grant and/or working more closely with Envision.

As a follow-up to action taken at the last Board meeting, Michael Byington reported that the letter sent to the Governor’s office deploring the lack of action from Michael Donnelly, Rehabilitation Services director, concerning provision of services/funding to contractors of the Older Blind program resulted in an immediate resumption of services. Judy Davis, legislative committee chair, asked questions about how to determine what action the Governor took had KABVI not had Michael’s input on the issue. Michael Byington agreed to write to the Governor’s office regarding the fact that the Kansas Advisory Committee for the Blind and Visually Impaired has missed two quarterly meetings this year.

Paul Berscheidt reported that the Talking Books budget had been cut 10% with the result that no more printing for the out-reach component of Talking Books will be done. Michael Byington further reported that the state library has consolidated their Facebook pages to make it more difficult for blind users to find the Talking Books program information. Michael Byington requested the opportunity to work with Paul Berscheidt on drafting a letter to the state librarian encouraging her to allow the Talking Books Facebook page to be re-established, particularly since out-reach activities have been negatively impacted by recent budget cuts.

Nancy Johnson reminded members of the availability of CDs of the public relations materials produced online and detailed at the last board meeting.

Webmaster, Paul Berscheidt suggested that we pay to have the kabvi.net parked so that folks who mistakenly go to that site will be re-directed to kabvi.com. Michael Byington made a motion, seconded by Kathy Dawson, that KABVI spend $4.95 per month to accomplish the web site re-direction to be handled jointly by Bob Chaffin and Paul Berscheidt. Paul Berscheidt also discussed establishing subdomains on the KABVI site which would take users to home pages for chapter web sites. He created a sample site at ckavi.kabvi.com for the Board to explore. DropBox was suggested as a place where updated information from each Kansas organization could be stored so that the webmaster could keep the individual subdomain information current. A newsletter article explaining these possibilities will be helpful. Ann Byington suggested that at a minimum, each subdomain could contain meeting location, date and time for each local group.

Paul Berscheidt also mentioned that the Talking Books program is seeking art for libraries which features blind or visually impaired artists. Nancy Johnson was asked to contact Dana Carter, Talking Books Out-reach Co-ordinator, to share information about our KABVI library. Because of his familiarity with the art in the KABVI library, Michael Byington volunteered to make that contact.

Colleen Talley suggested putting photographs of the artwork on the website.

Paul Berscheidt indicated that he had created two mailboxes on the website, one for the President and one for the newsletter editor; he further indicated that many more mailboxes could be created. Paul Berscheidt also reported that the Esther V. Taylor Scholarship application can now be completed online.

Kathy Dawson reported on the article about awards in the upcoming newsletter. Ann Byington agreed to put a shorter notice reminder for nominations in the next newsletter.

Bob Chaffin reported as Scholarship Committee chair that seven applications had been received, probably due to the KAER discussion at last year’s convention luncheon. Unfortunately, three applications were not complete so could not be considered. Bob further reported that completing the application in MS Word makes for a more readable product. The scholarship committee will meet in two weeks to review applications and make the awards.

In reporting on membership activities for Mikel McCary, Nancy Johnson indicated our membership in ACB is 127 with 526 on the mailing list. She suggested that guidelines for removing names from the expanded mailing list be created. A telephone contact occasionally results in a member’s renewal.

Ann Byington and Nancy Johnson reported that the three youth activity sessions at the KS State School for the Blind went very well. The committee is working on plans for an early summer picnic for parents and children in the Topeka and surrounding area. Two sessions were cookie decorating activities; the third was Bingo using prizes from the American Eagle Outfitters’ donated items. Jeff Young, dormitory manager, acted as photographer and pictures have been posted on the kabvi.youthconnection.com website.

Nancy Johnson suggested offering a free KABVI membership to graduating seniors, a practice which had been done in the past. Michael Byington moved with a second by Kathy Dawson that free KABVI memberships be offered to youth who attend Youth Activity Committee events, pending any constitutional restrictions. (I couldn’t hear the motion on my recording. Presumably, the motion passed but I also did not hear the vote on it.)

Conference call plans/ideas were discussed; Ann Byington promised a blurb in upcoming newsletters requesting member feedback on the calls be submitted to Nancy Johnson to determine future interest in continuing them.

Michael Byington reported on Keri Bacon, KS Commission on Disability Concerns Disability History page on their web site. He requested that historical information on KABVI be shared with her before she left her KCDC position.

The next Board of Directors meeting is scheduled for July 20, 10:30 AM. at the KABVI office.

The meeting was adjourned.



By Ann Byington & Nancy Johnson

AUTHOR’S NOTE: In an attempt to provide as much information as early as possible, this article will be a bit more detailed than usual. Please read it carefully; if you have additional questions, contact the KABVI office and your question will be directed accordingly.

This years’ KABVI Convention will be held at the Best Western Holiday Manor, 2211 East Kansas Avenue, McPherson KS 67460, Friday, November 8th through Sunday, November 10th. Room rates are $71.99 but with tax will run approximately $85 per night.

MOTEL DESCRIPTION: The Best Western Manor is a two-story motel WITH NO ELEVATORS. The motel has an entrance from the sleeping rooms into the conference center area; the accessible entrances will require folks to go outside. The motel has a few rooms described as "accessible" which presumably means ADA requirements—grab-bars in the bathroom and roll-in shower, etc. They are obviously on the first floor; smoking rooms are on the second floor.

At one end of the building is a dog park with bags and a trash can provided.

There is a small indoor pool.

FOOD/DRINK SERVICE: Montana Mike's restaurant

is attached to the motel, and the motel provides breakfast items. Pizza Hut, Perkins, and Brahms Ice Cream are all within walking distance of the motel so other meals than the Friday lunch and Saturday night banquet are on your own. The Byington van will be available for the non-walkers in the group. The Best Western also has a bar which is usually open until 10:00 PM, but will stay open later if people are still imbibing.


If you need:

a room on the first floor,

an "accessible room",

a room close to the "dog park", or

a smoking room on the second floor

PLEASE specify your needs when making your reservations.

Reservations are due by October 18; but the sooner made, the more likely one is to get the kind of room one wants. Again, you must "clearly" specify your needs when making reservations.

To make motel reservations, call (620)-241-5343, or TOLL FREE: (888) 841-0038, or FAX: 620-241-8086.

MORE ABOUT SCHEDULE AND MEALS: As we did last year, we will jointly sponsor a luncheon Friday with the Kansas Association of Education and Rehabilitation for the Blind and Visually Impaired, (KAER). Lunch will cost $10.95. Lunch includes hand-Breaded Chicken Fried Steak served with Mashed Potatoes topped with Country Gravy, and Southern Style Green Beans. It also includes Garden Salad, Rolls with Butter, and Chef's Choice Dessert; Coffee & Iced Tea.

The other meal KABVI is hosting is the banquet on Saturday evening at a cost of $14.95. Menu: Boneless Center Cut Pork Chops topped with Fire Roasted Apples, served with Au Gratin Potatoes and Maple Glazed Carrots. Includes Dinner Rolls & Butter, Tossed Dinner Salad, and Chef-selected Dessert.

We have a hospitality room (nonalcoholic) reserved for Friday and Saturday evening, and as stated earlier, the motel features a bar which will stay open after 10:00 PM as long as we are enjoying drinks in it.

Following Friday’s lunch, exhibits will run from 1:30—5:00 P.M. As noted in the Spring News, we will hold a craft fundraising fair in the alcove/lobby next to the exhibit area. Our hope is to have enough craft items to invite the public to participate.

Craft demonstrations will also be happening during exhibit time. Friday evening activities will begin at 7:00 PM.

The Saturday morning program begins at 8:45 A.M. with a lunch break from 12:00-1:30 PM. Afternoon session will run from 1:30-5:00 PM with the banquet beginning at 6:30 PM.

The Sunday morning Board meeting will begin at 8:45 AM and end at noon.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! The convention planning committee would appreciate information on business contacts in McPherson known to KABVI members, as we will be seeking sponsors for convention meals/activities as well as door prizes.

CRAFTERS: Please let me know what crafts you will be bringing to the convention so that we can put together advertising information for the community.

(See my contact information on the masthead.) Also, if you have ideas regarding "things I used to do for fun, but don’t do anymore because I can’t see", the theme of this year’s convention, feel free to share them with the convention planning committee. We want to take full advantage of a new convention location by involving the McPherson sighted and blind or visually-impaired community.


Tantalizing Tidbits

Compiled by Ann Byington

Editor’s Note: You probably shouldn’t be using these when traveling with a guide dog, GPS, or white cane.


Save $10 on Aftershokz Open Ear Sports Headphones and still hear EVERYTHING around you. AfterShokz Sportz 2 open ear headphones are designed to safely keep joggers, bike riders, skateboarders, hikers and other athletes connected to their music and social life while remaining active. Featuring military special ops bone conduction technology, AfterShokz mobile headphones sit comfortably in front of the ear, keeping your ears open, while delivering stereophonic sound through the listener’s cheekbones to the inner ear, permitting users to hear ambient noises such as oncoming traffic, car horns, ambulances or other warning noises. Price: $69.95.

Order from: Independent Living Aids LLC, 200 Robbins Lane, Jericho, NY 11753.

Toll-Free: (800)-537-2118, Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST.


Apparently, we do, as C. Crane Company Inc., Fortuna, CA. is a thriving company selling—yes, you guessed it—radios. Their catalog—which is downloadable as MP3 files and available in print—features: radio accessories, antennas, WiFi & Internet radios, Audio-- Hi-Fi Audio, single earpieces, earbuds, audio Recording, cables & adapters, and more! The company is a testimony to the endurance of AM, FM shortwave and internet radio.

Want to listen to those books or music when you’re in bed? In my opinion, the best item they offer is their Pillow Speaker. You will find these in the Byington homes, and several are given away as door prizes every year at our convention.

The Standard Pillow Speaker, Item # PSS, costs $7.95; is described as having "better audio quality than any other unit outside of our company. It is also louder, plus the wire resists breakage twice as long as most; comes with a 3.5MM plug and a 90-day warranty."

To order, call C. Crane Company, Inc. at (800)-522-8863, or order online at: http/ www.ccrane.com.

SOLO-DX IS A NEW PREMIUM AUDIO DESCRIPTION MP3 FILE that you can play along with your favorite movie/TV show at home. Each Solo-Dx track is written and produced by experienced entertainment industry professionals. Solo-Dx helps bring movies to life for individuals with visual or cognitive impairments and works with any standard media player. The only other thing you need is the movie itself on DVD, Blu-ray, streaming, or Video-on-Demand. Simply follow the directions narrated at the start of the Solo–Dx file, sit back, and enjoy!

You can learn a little more from their website at http://www.solo-dx.com. You can also check out the video from [the SOLO-DX] team at the following link -


This is VERY different than what is currently offered in the theaters, and obviously, very different than description that is offered on DVDs. With Solo-Dx, blind users can finally access audio description without the help of a sighted friend and can enjoy movies with sighted friends without altering their movie going experience.

Now, blind people need the help of sighted friends and family to access audio description on DVD menus and TV settings. Getting audio description in the theater is another story all together…it may be available, but rarely works! Solo-Dx changes all of that. Solo-Dx is created by the company Hollywood Access Services. Located in the heart of the entertainment industry, Hollywood Access Services, LLC produces audio description that is faithful and appropriate to the source material, offering a vivid experience to visually impaired consumers of motion pictures, home entertainment, and television programming.

What's available: Currently the company has Solo-Dx available for Raiders of the Lost Ark, Princess Bride, and Hunger Games on iTunes for $1.99 and Amazon for 99 cents.

The first season of The Walking Dead is broken up into two albums. On iTunes it's album-only for $2.99 for the 1st album (eps 1-4) and $1.99 for the second (eps 5-6). On Amazon, it's 99 cents per episode, or $3.96 for the first album (eps 1-4) and $1.98 for the 2nd album (eps 5-6). Also just released is the first season of The Wire.

Hollywood Access Services is currently working on Solo-Dx Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, several other TV shows, movies, children's programs and more.

For more information, contact Rachel Wimmer, LOFT Marketing & Communications, on behalf of Hollywood Access Services, (310)-598-0131.

Email: Loftasst@gmail.com

EDITOR’S NOTE: The web site FAQ section explains how to synchronize MP3 files with a movie, etc. and also discusses why these files are not yet free. We will check these out and report more, later.

NEW AMAZON KINDLE APP SHOWS IMPROVED ACCESSIBILITY (Taken from an email from Darren Burton, American Foundation for the Blind AccessWorld)

Breaking News!

As readers of AFB’s AccessWorld magazine, you may know I have written several articles over the years condemning the lack of accessibility found in Amazon Kindle devices. A couple of the devices have had some half-baked accessibility solutions, and the mobile apps have never been accessible or usable at all. However, yesterday we learned Amazon’s new update for the Kindle app for Apple’s iOS mobile platform has improved accessibility for people with vision loss.

We took a quick look at it on an iPhone 5 in our AFB Tech product evaluation labs this morning, and although there are still some things needing improvement, it is definitely a significant improvement over the previously inaccessible apps.

We downloaded a handful of books, and we were able to access the print content of each of them. You can read the text of a book in several ways, including reading continuously, by page, by line, by word and by character. Several other tools are also accessible, including the Go To Page tool and the icon indicating your current page and location. If you have low vision, you can change the contrast from black on white to white on black, and you can increase the font size. We found the bookmarking, highlighting and annotation features to be partially accessible, and we had mixed success with the table of contents of one book we tested. We have yet to come upon any accessible graphics, and that will definitely be a concern going forward, especially for textbooks.

Although they are a few years late to the party, we at AFB are certainly happy that Amazon did eventually get around to taking advantage of the built-in accessibility of the Apple iOS platform. Now, Amazon can keep the ball rolling by improving the accessibility of their Kindle and Kindle Fire tablet devices. Stay tuned to AccessWorld magazine for a full evaluation in the June issue.

AccessWorld® is the American Foundation for the Blind's technology magazine. Be sure to sign up on the AccessWorld home page to receive AccessWorld Alerts, an e-mail announcement letting you know when new issues of AccessWorld are posted.



Compiled by Marilyn Lind


1. While walking with your dog or cat, have a leash on your pet.

2. Always make sure your pet’s vaccinations are up to date.

3. During the summer (and year round) make sure your pet keeps up on flea protection treatments. Remember your dog’s monthly heartworm medicine.

4. Always have cool fresh water available for your pet. During normal temperatures a pet usually needs one ounce of water per each pound of body weight.

5. Never leave your pet in a closed car. The temperature in a car can rise over 100 degrees in a matter of minutes.

6. Avoid strong exercise during hot days. Walk in the early morning.

7. Avoid surfaces with asphalt or sand, as these surfaces can burn your pet’s paws. Note: place the palm of your hand on the surface; if the surface feels hot to you, then it could harm your pet’s paws.

8. Keep your pets safe when fireworks are exploded or when thunderstorms rise.



iOS Success: A Guide for Teachers and Parents


(reprinted from National Braille Press NBP)

iOS technology is a game changer. School districts across the country are purchasing and deploying iPads to students across grade levels - even integrating them into the classroom curriculum. But how many teachers and parents are ready to ensure that their blind students have equal access to all the iPad has to offer?

iOS Success, written by a blind user and iPad instructor, gives step-by-step instructions for every pertinent accessibility feature the iPad has to offer - including getting acquainted with VoiceOver and Zoom, setting accessibility options, pairing external devices such as keyboards and refreshable braille displays, setting up Apple accounts to buy apps like iBooks, using the Cloud and Dropbox, and much, much more. The last chapter includes tips from blind students who use their iPads daily and one very committed parent who is mastering iOS technology alongside his blind sons.

The book assumes the reader has never used an iPad, and it's written in plain English. Although it is geared to parents and teachers, there is plenty of useful advice for blind users as well. What are you waiting for? Join the iOS revolution!

LARRY LEWIS, JR. is the founder and owner of Flying Blind, LLC, whose mission is to develop and market adaptive technology solutions for people who are blind. Lewis offers a daylong professional development seminar entitled, "The Apple Accessibility Initiative."


Chapter One: Getting Started

Getting Acquainted with Your iPad

Touch-Screen Gestures

Setting up the iPad for the First Time

Activating VoiceOver

The Marvel of Triple-click Home

Locking the Screen Orientation

Chapter Two: Getting Acquainted with VoiceOver

Locating, Opening, and Switching Apps

Taking NOTES Using VoiceOver

Using the CALENDAR with VoiceOver

Adding a CONTACT with VoiceOver

VoiceOver Practice

Chapter Three: Setting Accessibility Options

Setting Accessibility Options with VO Off

Hearing, Learning, Physical and Motor, and Vision Settings

Activating Siri with iOS6

Chapter Four: Essential External Devices

Bluetooth Keyboards

Refreshable Braille Displays

Braille Features in VoiceOver

Chapter Five: Finding and Managing Content

Setting Up an Apple Account

Apps, iBooks, and iTunes

Storing, Syncing, and Sharing Content

Using DropBox

Chapter Six: Finding What You Want on the Internet

Safari: Web Browsing Made Easy

The Rotor Function

Finding and Downloading Books on the Internet

Your iPad and Email

iMessages App

Chapter Seven:

Word Processing Tasks On the iPad

Tips for Using the Onscreen Keyboard

Tracking the iPad Cursor in VoiceOver or Braille Display

Selecting Text in VoiceOver or a Braille Display

Entering Text by Voice

Three Word-Processing Apps

Printing and Emailing from Your iPad

Math on Your iPad

Chapter Eight: Let's Hear from the Experts

Meaghan Roper

Ethan Edwards

Lisa Tabaka

Dr. Eric Vasiliauskas (Dr. V.)

Select from the following formats: Large print edition: $28

Or in braille, eBraille, DAISY, ASCII, mp3, or Word: $20

To order any books, send payment to:

NBP, 88 St. Stephen Street, Boston, MA 02115-4302

Or call and charge it: toll-free (800) 548-7323 or (617) 266-6160 ext 520.

Or order any of our books online at


MORE USEFUL INFORMATION: Having trouble deciding which format is best for your device? Check out this handy guide!

Which Formats Can be Read on Which Device?

The NLS player will play any DAISY book that has audio, so it will play DAISY books from NBP just fine. Simply copy the folder containing a DAISY book to the root of a cartridge or flash drive and connect it to the player.

Braille (eBraille)

Book Port, all models

BrailleNote and VoiceNote, all models


Braille Plus, all models

Braille sense and Voice Sense

Victor Stream

Kurzweil and Openbook

Computer with braille display

iPhone or iPad with AccessNote and braille display (or NLS book reading software).


Victor Stream

Book Port DT (not Book Port Plus)

iPHone or iPad using iBooks or Nook app


NLS player

Book Port, all models

BrailleNote and VoiceNote, all models


Braille Plus, all models

Braille sense and Voice Sense

Victor products, including Stream

Kurzweil and OpenBook

Computer with DAISY program such as FSReader or APH Book Wizard Phone or iPad with Read2Go or InDaisy


In Memoriam

Compiled by Nancy Johnson

Margaret Ann "Markie" Callarman, 60, of Topeka, passed away May 9, 2013. She was born January 22, 1953 at Topeka, KS where she was raised. She attended Holiday Middle School and graduated from Topeka High School. She received a Certificate of Merit from K-State for the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education program. Margaret earned her CNA from Butler Community College and worked at Susan B. Allen Memorial Hospital in Eldorado, KS. She attended classes in Business Administration at Iowa State University, Council Bluffs, IA. She became certified as a lay preacher on August 9, 2008 and was the founder of the food bank at Sullivan Chapel United Methodist Church. Margaret was a member of the TOPS club and after hitting her goal weight became a member of KOPS.  She was a member of KABVI and the Topeka Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired.

She is survived by her sons, Tyler Harder and his wife Dolly, Nickolas Bentley and Jimmy Willis; 7 grandchildren; 2 great-grandchildren; her brothers and sisters and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her adoptive, and her biological parents.  Following cremation, a memorial service was held on Thursday, May 16, 2013 at Sullivan Chapel United Methodist Church, 1937 NE Madison, Topeka, KS 66608. To assist the family, memorial contributions may be made to the funeral home, Dove Cremation and Funeral Service, 4020 SW 6th Ave, Topeka, KS 66606. (Notice in Topeka Capital-Journal May 14, 2013; published at www.dovecremation.com)

Anna Josepha Nemecheck Headley, 97, Topeka, passed away May 6, 2013 at Midland Hospice House.

Anna was born March 17, 1916 in Wakeeney to Joseph and Mary (Denning) Nemecheck. Anna married Paul Billinger in 1934. He preceded her in death February 4, 1969. She was also preceded in death by her second and third husbands, Les Bise and Lawrence Headley, as well as nine step-siblings.

She was an accountant for KPL before retiring in 1974. Anna had the distinction of being the last charter member of the Eagles Auxiliary in Junction City.

Survivors include her sons, Keith Billinger (Paula), Moreno Valley CA, Jay Billinger, Lake City FL and Jim Billinger (Kate), Topeka; 15 grandchildren, numerous great-grandchildren and two half-brothers, Walter Nemecheck and David (Alice) Nemecheck.

Services were Thursday, May 9th at Christ the King Catholic Church. Memorial contributions may be made to the Fr. Pete O'Sullivan Scholarship at Hayden High School or Midland Hospice. Online condolences may be sent to www.kevinbrennanfamily.com

Published in Topeka Capital-Journal on May 8, 2013

Dean Enos II, 50, passed away April 15, 2013.

He attended the Kansas State School for the Blind from 1969 to 1978.  Dean was preceeded in death by his mother Jeanne and brother Larry.  He is survived by his father, Donald; aunts Sharon (Mike) Perez, Reitha (Alan) Deiter of Wichita; Aunt Betty (Danny) Varela Sun City, CA, and many loving cousins, including David (Joni) Ketter of Wichita. Memorials may be sent to the American Lung Association.

Kenneth Edward Heim, 93, passed away March 10, 2013.

Memorial contributions may be made to Shawnee Park Christian Church or to Talking Books, both in care of the church at 16500 Midland Drive, Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66217.

Kenneth attended the Kansas State School for the Blind at age 7, where he graduated high school. He graduated from Bethany College in the early 1940s and then earned a Master’s degree from KU in 1963. Kenneth retired in 1973 after working as an educator for over 30 years at the Kansas State School for the Blind. He began tuning pianos during high school and continued doing so until age 88. He also worked at Jenkins Music Company. He was an active member of the Christian Church.

Kenneth is survived by his second wife, Stella Hendee-Heim; children Valerie, Kenna, Donna Rose and Ralh Heim; step-children Robert and Ronald Hendee, and Rebecca Hendee-Tempel; 11 grandchildren, six step-grandchildren, five great-grandchildren (and two on the way); and his sister, Florence Heim-Dodder. Published in Kansas City Star, March 13, 2013.

Gene E. Quillen, 83, passed away October 19, 2012.

He was born in Kansas City, Missouri and worked as a custodian for the Kansas City, Kansas school district.

Survivors include his wife, Blanche Quillen, of the home; 2 daughters and sons-in-law, Beth and John Silvey and Jeannie and James Ouderkirk, all of Kansas City, Kansas; and five grandchildren, Jeremy, Cody, and Olivia Silvey and Lindsay and Clayton Robbins.

Frank Walters, 89, of Topeka, died December 23, 2012. He was born December 8, 1923, in Hays, Kansas, the son of Jacob Peter and Amalia (Staab) Walters.

Frank owned and operated the Halstead Hospital Coffee Shop for 28 years and the Shawnee County Courthouse snack bar for eight. He was a member of the St. Matthew Catholic Church and the Topeka Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Frank will be most remembered for his love of his children and grandchildren. Frank is survived by his wife, Betty Marie (Smich) Walters; daughters Sheila (Darrell) Stevenson, Branson, MO, Brenda (Steve) Dunning, Hutchinson, KS; his brother, George Walters, Placentia, CA; and sister, Alice Gerstner, Amarillo, TX; five grandchildren: Emily Walch, Jenny Macomber, and Hailey, Lauren, and Grant Dunning; and five great-grandchildren, Ethan, Kole, Addison, Bennett, and Kaitlynn.

Memorial contributions may be made to St. Matthew Catholic Church, Talking Books Service at the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library, or the American Diabetes Association. Send contributions in care of Brennan-Mathena Funeral Home, 800 SW 6th Avenue, Topeka, KS 66603.


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