An Affiliate of the American Council of the Blind



KABVI strives to increase the independence, opportunity, and quality of life for all blind and visually impaired Kansans, and to assist us in taking our rightful place as equals among our sighted peers.


Volume 56                 Spring, 2013                            No. 1



Return to:                                      FREE MATTER FOR

KABVI                                                    THE BLIND

603 SW Topeka Blvd.                         AND DISABLED

Suite 304

Topeka, KS  66603







Corporate Office: 603 SW Topeka Blvd., Suite 304

Topeka, Kansas 66603

Phone:  785-235-8990

Toll Free:  1-800-799-1499 (in Kansas only)

E-mail:  kabvi@att.net          Web site:  www.kabvi.com

Youth Website:  www.kabviyouthconnection.com


Editor & Braille                                                        Chairman of the Board,

Production Manager                                             President & Associate Editor     

Ann Byington                                                          Nancy Johnson

909 SW College                                                       714 SW Wayne Ave.

Topeka, KS 66606                                                   Topeka, KS 66606  

(785)  233-3839                                                        (785) 234-8449

abyington@cox.net                                                   Supermom1941@sbcglobal.net    


Print Production Manager

Colleen Talley



Membership Secretary, c/o KABVI


         The purpose of KABVI NEWS, published by the Kansas Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Inc. (KABVI), is to promote the general welfare of the blind and visually impaired in Kansas.  KABVI NEWS shall reflect the philosophy and policies of the Association, report the activities of its members, and include pertinent articles pertaining to blindness and low vision. 
         Publication Policy:  Send us your news, views, articles, and features.  Materials in braille, on tape, on computer disk (Microsoft Word, plain text, or ASCII), or typewritten (double spaced) will be considered.   You may also email articles to:
editor@kabvi.com. When quoting from other published materials, please include dates and sources.  Unsigned material will not be considered for publication.  If you send a stamped, self-addressed envelope, original materials will be returned.  Articles for publication must reach the editor by January 22, April 22, July 22, and October 22 of each year.  Editorial staff reserves the right to edit submitted materials. 
         Membership renewal letters are sent annually to persons who have not paid dues.  If responses are not received within a reasonable time, names of those persons will be removed from KABVI’s mailing list and their subscription to KABVI NEWS discontinued.  Membership is open to anyone who is interested, but is not required for receipt of KABVI NEWS.  A membership renewal form on which you can indicate your newsletter preferences can be found at the end of each issue.  Thank you for your cooperation.



NOTIONS  ……………………………………………………………………………………… 3

By Nancy Johnson, President


Gleanings from the Editor ………………………………………………………………….. 4

By Ann Byington


Put Your Thinking Cap On Now! ………………………………………………………….. 4



By Ann Byington, Recording Secretary


Convention 2013:  Having Fun Involves More Than Watching Ball Games ….....… 9

By Nancy Johnson




Tantalizing Tidbits ……………………….………………………………………….…......... 9

Compiled by Ann Byington


Chapter Chatter …………………………………………………………………………….. 11

Compiled by Ann Byington


In Memoriam …………………………………………….................................................. 12

Compiled by Nancy Johnson


2013 KABVI Membership Application ………………………………………………….. 13




By Nancy Johnson

I didn’t change the title of my column because “notions” are simply ideas, and that’s what I want to share.  At this writing, I’m three weeks into my term as president, and some projects are underway.  By the time you read this, some will be complete.  I set four goals to help this organization move forward.

1.    Public Education:    In January, I worked with Connie Wood of Stormont-Vail Hospital’s “Healthwise After 55” program and aired the TV show “For Caregivers.”  We provided information about resources available to individuals with impaired vision and blindness.

2.    Advocacy:  The legislative committee continues to monitor what officials are doing that may affect blind and visually impaired Kansans.

3.    Youth activities:  In March and April, members of the Youth Activities committee will provide dessert for students at the Kansas State School for the Blind to kick off three week end activities, provide information about KABVI, and (we hope) have fun with the students. 

4.    Fund Raising:  In January and February, in an attempt to expand people’s awareness of KABVI and the work we do and (I hope) to raise funds, I will participate in four Internet Radio broadcasts through Close-up TV News.  The broadcasts will be complete by the time you receive the newsletter, but you can check them out by going to www.closeuptvnews.com, choosing the “Close-up talk radio” link, the “Broadcasts” link and then find Kansas Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (or KABVI). 

Another major project is recreating our database so it is easier to keep up-to-date.  If you’re reading this, your information is probably correct.  If you know someone who wants to hear from KABVI and is not receiving information, please tell them how to contact the office.  Once we have the new database, we plan to contact everyone to verify our information. 

We’ve been busy with housekeeping at the office, filing and reorganizing.  Office hours continue from 9:00 to 2:00, Monday through Friday.  The phone number is (785) 235-8990 or toll free 1-800-799-1499.  I try to be there as much as I can, and the answering machine takes calls 24/7 if no one is in the office.  Send e-mail to kabvi@att.net or supermom1941@sbcglobal.net.  We are a small group, scattered across a large, rural state; we need commitment and participation from everyone.  This is not my organization.  IT’S YOURS!  I’ll do everything I know how to do to make it go and grow, but I need your guidance.  Please communicate with the office or with me by phone or e-mail. 

Helen Keller said, “He who is content with what has been done is an obstacle in the path of progress.”  Personally, I’m content with what’s been done only to the extent that it’s kept us moving.  We’ve had three years (since 2010) to shift gears after the state’s service structure changed.  We have to keep our eyes on what the state does and make sure we fit ourselves positively into the scheme of things as they relate to KABVI’s mission. 


Gleanings from the Editor

By Ann Byington


First, my apologies for the lateness of this newsletter.  Sometimes, life has a way of calling a halt to what is supposed to happen.  Family obligations have detoured me a bit, but the summer News will be out on time!

If you read our masthead, you will note that we now have a way to receive articles via email to our web site.  You may send them to editor@kabvi.com.

I would like very much to have articles from all of you; my work would be much easier.  Marilyn Lind will be producing a Pet Corner short item every quarter.

Anyone else have a favorite topic they would like to share with the KABVI membership? I’m a good listener and a fair editor, so email, write or just call me.


Put Your Thinking Cap On Now!

By Kathy Dawson and Ann Byington


            It’s time again to think about the people we know who demonstrate that special spark that makes them stand out among their peers.  The awards committee is looking for two outstanding individuals to be recognized state-wide by the Eleanor A. Wilson and Extra Step awards.  Recipients will be honored at the 2013 annual meeting and convention the week end of November 8, 2013, in McPherson.

            The Extra Step Award is presented to a visually impaired individual for unique courage and successful personal rehabilitation.  The nominee shall have demonstrated initiative and ingenuity, in meeting the unique challenges in life, and shall have contributed to society in an outstanding manner.  The nominee shall be a Kansas resident, at least legally blind and shall be selected without regard for affiliation with any organization of or for the blind. 

            The Eleanor A. Wilson Award is presented to a sighted or visually impaired individual who demonstrates outstanding service to the visually impaired and blind in Kansas.  The nominee should, through personal characteristics and activities, promote public acceptance and understanding of visually impaired and blind persons as capable and productive members of the community.  The Eleanor A. Wilson Award emphasizes contributions beyond those achieved through the nominee’s regular employment. The nominee shall be a Kansas resident and shall be selected without regard for affiliation with any organization of or for the blind. 

            Nominees for both the Extra Step and Eleanor A. Wilson awards shall be invited to attend the annual meeting and convention in November.  Travel, registration, and one night’s hotel expense may be covered for award winners, if requested and when funds are available.  The award ceremonies are an expression of KABVI’s genuine appreciation for what these extraordinary individuals have contributed for the benefit of visually impaired people in Kansas. 

No members of the Awards Committee or their immediate families are eligible to receive an award.  Members of the KABVI Board of Directors may be nominated.  Please send nominations to:  KABVI, Awards Committee, 603 SW Topeka Blvd., Suite 304, Topeka, KS  66603 by Friday, July 19, 2013.


Report From the Board of Directors

By Ann Byington, Recording Secretary


The winter Board meeting of the KS Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, (KABVI), was called to order by Nancy Johnson, President, at 10:30 AM, Saturday, January 19, 2013.  Michael and Ann Byington and Paul Berscheidt attended via Skype. Officers and board members in attendance: Nancy Johnson, President; Bob Chaffin, Treasurer; Ann Byington, Recording Secretary; Michael Byington, Bill Moore, Kathy Dawson, Beulah Carrington, Henry Staub, Marilyn Lind  and Mikel McCary, Membership Secretary/committee chair. Guests included Joshua Morrison, Technology volunteer; Julia Davis, database developer; Judy Davis, Legislative Committee chair; and Colleen Talley, Information & Resource Manager.

The meeting began with a demonstration of the Microsoft Access membership database created by Julia Davis, IT Specialist with the Resource Center for Independent Living. The database development contract resulted from a meeting held in early January involving Nancy Johnson, Ann Byington, Colleen Talley, Mikel McCary and Joshua Morrison.  During that meeting, the consensus was that an icon-driven (one-button) database needed to be created such that any of us present at that meeting could make changes to the database, sort names/addresses and produce labels for mailing the KABVI NEWS and other KABVI publications in the various media requested by members. Additionally, we wanted to be able to easily up-date membership information for the American Council of the Blind (ACB) when our affiliate dues/information is required.

Ms. Davis brings a wealth of experience in database/program development, having already created 31 applications, many of which are still in use. The database is set up to accommodate information through 2014. The addition of members receiving regular print as a sorting option was suggested. KABVI paid Ms. Davis $300 for the initial database development; she charges $20 per hour for additional work which is well below the cost of most computer programmers.

Kathy Dawson moved to accept the minutes as sent with a second by Bill Moore; the motion passed.

Motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Kathy Dawson and seconded by Ann Byington; motion passed.

In his discussion of the budget, Bob Chaffin explained the increased accounting costs are due to more stringent protections from the bonding company, including dual signatures on checks written on the account and having the bank statement reconciled by another KABVI member besides the treasurer.  Additionally, the bonding company requires a review of the treasurer’s books by a CPA; Bob located a CPA who will do this review for $300. Kathy Dawson moved acceptance of the budget (I was unable to hear the seconder); the motion passed. 

Nancy Johnson and Bob Chaffin will be the credit card holders for KABVI. 

Nancy Johnson opted not to travel to Washington, DC, for the ACB President’s meeting and legislative seminar but will listen to those proceedings on ACB radio.

As reported from actions taken at previous meetings, the Board voted to hold the upcoming KABVI convention in McPherson.  After checking available dates at the Best Western hotel, Beulah Carrington made a motion to hold this year’s convention the weekend of November 8th.  Motion was seconded by Mikel McCary and passed. 

Ann and Michael Byington agreed to select/contact someone from ACB to speak at the convention.  Additional convention planning committee members are: Kathy Dawson, and Marilyn Lind with Nancy Johnson serving on all committees.  Ann agreed to chair the planning committee and also do exhibits as well. 

Michael Byington agreed to provide contact information for the developmental disability center in McPherson which serves some blind and visually impaired people who might want to come to the convention. 

Committees appointed and ratified:

Fundraising: Bob Chaffin, Mikel McCary, Marilyn Lind, Bill and Hermione Moore, Colleen Talley, Paul Berscheidt, and Ann Byington. 

            Since the “Eyes Wide Open” golf tournament is a part of KABVI’s fundraising activity in conjunction with the Topeka Downtown Lions’ Club, Nancy Johnson explained that Dr. Saylor has opted out of his role as leader of the tournament planning from the Lions’ Club perspective.  A procedures book was created last year to help in planning the tournament and KABVI members need to be participants earlier in the process. There was consensus to ask the Sunflower Lions’ Club if they were interested in helping with the tournament.  Beulah Carrington agreed to discuss the matter and report back to the Board.  Nancy Johnson further explained that Phil Menninger has taken on the lions’ Club leadership responsibility and wants to know about KABVI’s interest in participating which she will communicate to him.

            Ann Byington reminded members that KABVI’s responsibilities are more focused on getting corporate sponsors.

            Other potential fundraising activities included selling Rada knives and having a craft fair at this year’s convention.  Michael Byington agreed to check with National Industries for the Blind to see if blind-made products are available at a discount which could also be sold at the convention. Providing logo items—tote-bags, pens, etc.-- to give away or sell was also discussed.  An announcement regarding a craft fair at the convention will be in the KABVI News as well as a request for donated craft items.  

Legislative Committee:  Judy Davis, chair; Michael Byington, Beulah Carrington, Marilyn Lind, and Ann Byington.  Ann Byington noted that she had shared Judy’s email with Martha Gabehart, KS Commission on Disability Concerns;  Judy had not received any legislative notices.  Judy Davis and Nancy Johnson agreed to follow up with Martha Gabehart.

            Michael Byington raised the issue of a past conversation with then Senator Sam Brownback where he (Mr. Brownback) indicated that he was aware of the mess Kansas Services for the Blind was in, and that the best thing to do was to shut everything down and start over again.  Michael noted that most of Services for the Blind was shut down before Sam Brownback became governor, but little has been done to rebuild services.  An issue of particular need is the fact that federal dollars have been allocated for Older Blind, but KS Rehabilitation Services decided to change which contractors handle which counties. Current and potential contractors were required to submit proposals noting which counties were their preferences; the state would review that information and reassign counties to contractors.  Despite the fact that the Federal allocation of Older Blind funds runs from October through September, current funds for the Older Blind program are to end as of February 18th.  Michael Byington proposed writing to the Governor with a copy to Mike Donnelly, Director, KS Rehabilitation Services, reviewing Governor Brownback’s commitment to KABVI and urge the Governor to begin rebuilding by insisting on the continuation of Older Blind funding through the state and federal fiscal year. The letter would further explain that, should funds cease in February while the state re-arranges the program, a gap in service to current Older Blind clients is inevitable. Ann Byington noted that though it should have met in January, the KS Services for the Blind Advisory Committee has not yet met, which effectively keeps potential consumers out of the loop until the agency determines what is going to happen. Michael Byington agreed to draft a letter, send it to Nancy Johnson and Judy Davis for their review/edit and one of them would send it on to the Governor.

            Mikel McCary and Michael Byington discussed the fact that perhaps 75 of the 105 counties in Kansas would have the Older Blind program funds/services handled by independent living centers.      

            Michael Byington suggested tracking proceedings of the Ways and Means Committee in the Senate and the Appropriations Committee in the House; both of which determine whether or not to provide the 10% state match for federal Older Blind funds or the 22% state match for federal VR funds.   

            Following a lunch break, Paul Berscheidt, webmaster, reported that a variety of mailboxes could be set up on the KABVI Facebook page to handle inter-organization communication. Mailboxes will be created for the KABVI president, the technology committee, the Newsletter editor and other committees as their chairs deem necessary. Discussion on how to increase visibility of the web site included acquiring domain names ending in .net and .org when they become available and submitting key words to various search engines to lead people to our web site. Paul Berscheidt had questions regarding Facebook requests and how to determine their authenticity; the Board decided to leave such decisions to the discretion of the Webmaster. Advertising on the web site and a donations request were discussed; Paul requested guidance on how the donation request should be worded.  Nancy Johnson agreed to review the ACB site and help with this request.

            Strategic planning committee: will review and define the KABVI mission regarding where we have been, what we are currently doing and where we want to go in the future.  Committee:  Nancy Johnson, Ann Byington, Beulah Carrington, Joshua Morrison, and Bill Moore.

       Awards Committee: Kathy Dawson, chair; Michael Byington, Bill Moore and Judy Davis.  Kathy asked that a request for nominations be included in the next newsletters.  Nancy Johnson agreed to email articles on the awards to the list used for these Board meetings.  Scholarship committee: Bob Chaffin, Katy Kincy, and Phyllis Schmidt.

            Membership committee: Mikel McCary, chair; Colleen Talley and Joshua Morrison.

            Youth Activity Committee: Ann Byington, chair; Nancy Johnson, Beulah Carrington, Phyllis Schmidt and Linda Bricker and Evelyn Fitzpatrick.

            Nominations Committee: Kathy Dawson, chair; Joshua Morrison, and Michael Byington.

            Nancy Johnson detailed several public relations activities in which she participated, both nationally and locally. The national one is a 4-part Talk Radio program which required an up-front $5,000 donation which she supplied.  The Board agreed to reimburse her for that investment if funds over that amount are received.  As well as funds, KABVI receives a copy of the four shows to be posted on our web site.

            Bob Chaffin reminded the Board that there is no longer a penalty for withdrawing money from the bond funds KABVI has, and it should be utilized by the Board when necessary. 

            Michael Byington suggested placing the reimbursement discussion on the agenda of the next Board meeting.

            Board meetings were scheduled for April 20th, July 20th and November 10th following the KABVI convention.

There was discussion of continuing the monthly conference calls; Nancy Johnson asked for reminders and potential topics including a report from Audio Reader and/or a “how-to” call were offered.






Convention 2013: Having Fun Involves More

Than Watching Ball Games, By Nancy Johnson


Start planning NOW!  The 93rd annual KABVI convention/annual meeting is scheduled November 8-10 at the Best Western Holiday Manor in McPherson, Kansas.  Room rates are $71.99 per night plus tax.  The week end will open with a joint luncheon of KABVI and the Kansas Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Visually Impaired (KAER), a craft fair, and exhibits. 

Did you give up a favorite pastime saying, “I can’t see to do that anymore?”  Having fun involves more than watching ball games, playing computer games and reading audio books!  What do you do to keep your hands busy while involved in these activities?  How do you while away those potentially long and boring alone-time hours when you’re “stuck” at home with nothing productive to do?

Finding a meaningful pastime when vision is significantly impaired is challenging for many people.  Come see how some have met the challenge and learn how they do what they do!  Many pastimes are easily adaptable. 

At this year’s 2013 KABVI convention/annual meeting you can help KABVI raise funds by participating in the craft fair as a donor, purchaser, or both!   You can get ideas about how to adapt techniques and equipment so you can carry on your favorite hobby.  If you paint, sculpt, sew, work with yarn, wood, or anything else, please share quality work you’d like to donate and display and sell it to help KABVI raise funds.  Be prepared to shop, too!



By Ann Byington


            Are you whiling away your spare time making things?  Do you crochet, knit, sew, do latchhook, loom-knitting or hand-weaving, basket-making, woodworking, record musical CD’s, or create other craft items? 

            At this year’s convention in McPherson, KABVI is holding a Craft Fair as a fundraiser.  The convention isn’t until November 8-10, 2013, so you still have 6 months’ time to make and donate something.

            If the fair goes well, we will look at offering crafts more than just once a year. Please help us have fun, showcase our talents and make a little money.


Tantalizing Tidbits

Compiled by Ann Byington


** Families Together, Inc., in an effort to Encourage Educate and Empower parents of children with disabilities, as well as professionals who work with them, offers the following events:

Register for Education Advocate Training

Tuesday, April 30

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.  (Lunch provided)

Independent Living Resource Center



Thursday, May 9

9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. (Lunch provided)

Hays Recreation Commission


Contact darla@familiestogetherinc.org.


Another Opportunity from Families Together:

A Team Empowerment Conference on Transition to Adulthood, provided by Families Together, Inc.

Learn the Steps to Transition Youth to Adulthood

Friday, May 3, 2013

8:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m

KU Edwards Campus

12600 Quivira Road

Overland Park, KS 66213

There are many steps that need to be taken to prepare your child with special needs for adulthood.  Join us for a one day conference as we uncover the transition process for youth between the ages of 16 and 22 (the transition process begins at the age of 14).

Scott Adams and Leslie Byram, with The Special Needs Planning Center will address:

Meeting the qualification guidelines for Social Security and Medicaid;

Developing a special needs trust;

Implementing guardianship or alternatives once your child turns 18;

The coordination of family assets, creating a legacy to provide for and protect your child;

Creating a Continuity of Care Document to prepare guardians and caregivers.

Stephanie Breaker, with The Skills to Succeed will discuss the importance of families, schools and providers working together on the belief that everyone can work. Embracing this mindset would change how we often place people in programs without ever working on work-related skills.

Lunch will be provided, a chance to win door prizes and much more!  This is a free conference.  Registration ends April 26, 2013.

To register by phone contact 913-287-1970.

A $50 child care voucher is available to parents (who attend the conference all day) and who have a child(ren) with disabilities and/or special health care needs. 


** From “Talking Book Topics” and the BARD site is notice of a book by ACB past-President, Otis Stephens:  Unreasonable searches and seizures: rights and liberties under the law DB 72154

Stephens, Otis H; Glenn, Richard A. Reading time: 18 hours, 37 minutes.  Read by Eric Todd Dellums.

Legal Issues

Chronicles the evolution of the Fourth Amendment, from its eighteenth-century origins to twentieth-century issues.  Discusses key cases and legal concepts of search-and-seizure legislation.  Covers search warrants, probable cause, expectations of privacy, the exclusionary rule, and the implications of the Patriot Act. 2006.

**Henry's Freedom Box:

A True Story from the Underground Railroad

By Ellen Levine. Print/braille children's book, $17.99

In contracted braille with skip lines.  Ages 5 and up

Henry's Freedom Box is a perfect introductory story for young readers interested in the history of slavery, and Henry's transit is one that will strike a haunting chord with readers for years to come. An Amazon.com reader.

Henry Brown wasn't sure how old he was. Henry was a slave, and slaves weren't allowed to know their birthdays.  Henry dreams about freedom, but that dream seems farther away than ever when he is torn from his family and put to work in a warehouse. Then one day, as he lifts a crate, he knows exactly what he must do: He will mail himself to the North, in a wooden crate large enough to hold him, but small enough not to create suspicion.  His journey takes just about one full day, during which he was often sideways or upside down. When he arrives in Philadelphia and emerges from the box in a friend's parlor, Henry finally has a birthday -- his first day of freedom.

My boys absolutely love this book. Whenever we read it, they have so many questions and are truly interested in knowing what it must have been like to be a black boy in Henry's time. They also show such empathy for him and express feelings of concern.  They usually finish the book with a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the freedom that they have. It is a sad book but sometimes the truth doesn't always feel good.  Great book!

            To order any books, send payment to:

NBP, 88 St. Stephen Street, Boston, MA 02115-4302

Or call and charge it: toll-free (800) 548-7323 or (617) 266-6160 ext 520.

Or order any of our books online at http://www.nbp.org/ic/nbp/publications/index.html.


Chapter Chatter

Compiled by Ann Byington


**The Northcentral Kansas Association for the Visually Impaired (NKAVI), celebrated Christmas with a “White Elephant” gift exchange.  Pat Hall, their president, has been busy doing out-reach activities in Quinter, Wakeeney and Russell.

      January’s meeting featured Linda Beech Ellis County Extension Office discussing the creation, purpose and history of the county extension offices, which grew out of the need to educate people in their local communities as part of the function of Land Grant colleges such as Ks. State University. 

      Also, in January, NKAVI made donations to: Audio Reader, $100; KABVI, $100; Hays Public Library, $50; and Kansas Assistive Tech, $50 (Oakley site). Thank you NKAVI for your generosity.

            February’s NKAVI meeting featured Betty Hansen who gave an interesting and informative program on the Humane Society of the High Plains. 

SCHOLARSHIP:  NKAVI will be offering one $500 scholarship for the 2013-14 school year.  To qualify, a person must be planning to attend a post secondary technical school or college and be visually impaired.  Applications will be due May 31, 2013.  If you would like to apply, please contact Pat Hall at 785-628-6055.


**Central Kansas Association for the Visually Impaired, (CKAVI), president, Paul Berscheidt reported that due to illness and just being busy, CKAVI has been doing their thing but has nothing to report.

**Topeka Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, (TABVI), held its Thanksgiving dinner at Patrick Hale’s vending facility; the Christmas party was held at the KS Neurological Institute; January’s program was Bingo, and February’s entertainment featured a ten-year-old musician who played the dulcimer, banjo and keyboard along with Kurt Bailey, one of TABVI’s guitarists. The March meeting offered members a long discussion with Tim Anderson, Outreach Coordinator of the Kansas Telecommunications Access Program.  Look for him at this year’s KABVI convention in McPherson.


In Memoriam

Compiled by Nancy Johnson


            **Gene E. Quillen, 83, passed away October 19, 2012.  He was born in Kansas City, Missouri and worked as a custodian for the Kansas City, Kansas school district.  Survivors include his wife, Blanche Quillen, of the home; 2 daughters and sons-in-law, Beth and John Silvey and Jeannie and James Ouderkirk, all of Kansas City, Kansas; and five grandchildren, Jeremy, Cody, and Olivia Silvey and Lindsay and Clayton Robbins. 

** Kenneth Edward Heim, 93, passed away March 10, 2013.  Memorial contributions may be made to Shawnee Park Christian Church or to Talking Books, both in care of the church at 16500 Midland Drive, Shawnee Mission, Kansas  66217. 

            Kenneth attended the Kansas State School for the Blind at age 7, where he graduated high school.  He graduated from Bethany College in the early 1940s and then earned a Master’s degree from KU in 1963.  Kenneth retired in 1973 after working as an educator for over 30 years at the Kansas State School for the Blind.  He began tuning pianos during high school and continued doing so until age 88.  He also worked at Jenkins Music Company.  He was an active member of the Christian Church. 

            Kenneth is survived by his second wife, Stella Hendee-Heim; children Valerie Heim, Kenna Heim, Donna Rose Heim, and Ralh Heim; step-children Robert Hendee, Ronald Hendee, and Rebecca Hendee-Tempel; 11 grandchildren, six step grandchildren, five great grandchildren and two on the way; and his sister, Florence Heim-Dodder.  Published in Kansas City Star, March 13, 2013.



2013 KABVI Membership Application


____ Enclosed is $10.00 for my 2013 KABVI dues.


____ Enclosed is $250 for my Life Membership.


NAME: __________________________________


ADDRESS: _______________________________


CITY _____________________ STATE: _________


ZIP: _________ TELEPHONE: _____ - __________


E-MAIL ADDRESS:  _________________________

Are you: 

_____ Legally blind  _____ Visually impaired 


_____ Deaf-blind  _____ Sighted

I would like the KABVI NEWS and THE BRAILLE FORUM in: 


_____ Braille  _____ Large print  _____ Cassette 


_____ Regular print ______ E-mail


_____ I do not want these publications.


I am including a tax-deductible donation to KABVI

in the amount of $ ______.___.


SEND this form and your enclosed check to:

Robert Chaffin, Treasurer,

1105 Centennial Blvd.

Hays, Kansas  67601